package org.chartsy.tbibp; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Graphics2D; import java.awt.Rectangle; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import org.chartsy.main.ChartFrame; import org.chartsy.main.chart.Overlay; import; import org.chartsy.main.utils.SerialVersion; import org.openide.nodes.AbstractNode; /** * * @author Viorel */ public class ThreeBarInsideBarPattern extends Overlay { private static final long serialVersionUID = SerialVersion.APPVERSION; private OverlayProperties properties; public ThreeBarInsideBarPattern() { super(); properties = new OverlayProperties(); } @Override public Overlay newInstance() { return new ThreeBarInsideBarPattern(); } @Override public String getName() { return properties.getLabel(); } @Override public String getLabel() { return properties.getLabel(); } @Override public Color[] getColors() { return new Color[0]; } @Override public double[] getValues(ChartFrame cf) { return new double[0]; } @Override public double[] getValues(ChartFrame cf, int i) { return new double[0]; } @Override public boolean getMarkerVisibility() { return false; } @Override public AbstractNode getNode() { return new OverlayNode(properties); } @Override public String getPrice() { return Dataset.CLOSE; } @Override public LinkedHashMap getHTML(ChartFrame cf, int i) { LinkedHashMap ht = new LinkedHashMap(); ht.put(getLabel(), " "); return ht; } @Override public void paint(Graphics2D g, ChartFrame cf, Rectangle bounds) { Dataset dataset = getDataset(); int count = dataset.getItemsCount(); boolean[] c1 = new boolean[count]; boolean[] c2 = new boolean[count]; boolean[] c3 = new boolean[count]; double tr = 0.75, sl = 0.75; int marketposition = 0; int mp = marketposition; for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { c1[i] = dataset.getCloseAt(i) > dataset.getCloseAt(i-1); // condition1 c2[i] = (dataset.getHighAt(i) < dataset.getHighAt(i-1)) && (dataset.getLowAt(i) > dataset.getLowAt(i-1)); // condition2 c3[i] = dataset.getCloseAt(i) < dataset.getCloseAt(i-1); // condition3 } for (int i = 2; i < count; i++) { c1[i] = dataset.getCloseAt(i) > dataset.getCloseAt(i-1); // condition1 c2[i] = (dataset.getHighAt(i) < dataset.getHighAt(i-1)) && (dataset.getLowAt(i) > dataset.getLowAt(i-1)); // condition2 c3[i] = dataset.getCloseAt(i) < dataset.getCloseAt(i-1); // condition3 if (mp == 0) { if (c1[i] && c2[i-1] && c1[i-2]) { // buy next bar at open } if (c3[i] && c2[i-1] && c3[i-2]) { // sell short next bar at open } } if (marketposition == 1) { // sell next bar at entryprice+(entryprice*tr/100) Limit // sell next bar at entryprice-(entryprice*sl/100) stop } if (marketposition == -1) { // buy to cover next bar at entryprice-(entryprice*tr/100) Limit // buy to cover next bar at entryprice+(entryprice*sl/100) stop } } } @Override public void calculate() { } }